Credit Diligence
A comprehensive underwriting model for private credit investors
See how a company stacks up against venture backed peers
Get a clear and comprehensive snapshot of a company
Revenue Quality
Analysis cash vs accrual revenue and get insights on volatility & recurring revenue
Proof of Cash
Confirm management account accuracy by comparing financials to bank statements
Profit Manipulation Check
Uncover hidden risks with our automated Beneish M-Score calculations that flag potential fraud instantly
External Funding Dependence
Compare how much of a company's expenses are funded with revenue compared to external funding
Financial Statements
A standardized income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement
Drill Down Income Statement
Unlock detailed financial insights with our advanced income statement – which allows drilling down into individual line items
Working Capital
Get a clear view of working capital with key accounting ratios and benchmarking averages
Runaway Analysis
Leverage our advanced Runway Calculator for precise scenario analysis to accurately forecast runway